NFAW & ERA Media Statement: Update on Budget Lockout Of Women’s Groups, Treasury Relents, One Chair Now Made Available

19 March 2019
National Foundation for Australian Women (NFAW) was notified recently by the Australian Government of our exclusion from the Federal Budget lockup.
In response to representations from NFAW, Women’s Electoral Lobby (WEL) and a number of the National Women’s Alliances. The Office of Women (OfW) made representations to Treasury and last Friday successfully obtained one (1) chair in the lockup for the Equality Rights Alliance (ERA). Professor Helen Hodgson of NFAW will take the place as an ERA member representative and will work collaboratively in the lockup with other groups known to have entry. NFAW and the Equality Rights Alliance acknowledge the support of OfW in one chair being made available and also thank WEL for their support and media outreach on this critical matter. Kate Gunn, Chair of NFAW comments “Each year NFAW produces The Gender Lens on the Budget, evaluating the effects of budget measures on Australian Women. This is vital work and builds on NFAW’s extensive policy analysis. Women must have a seat at the budget table. At least one.” Helen Dalley-Fisher of the Equality Rights Alliance says “Australia is currently appearing at the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations in New York, making the argument that a diversity of women’s voices is essential to achieving progress towards gender equality. We thank the Office for Women for their intervention and look forward to working with Treasury to ensure women are not excluded from the budget in the future.”