Our Team

Our Secretariat Staff

photo of Helen Dalley-Fisher

Helen Dalley-Fisher

ERA Convenor

Helen is the Convenor of ERA. She has a background in the community legal sector, where she spent 10 years as a solicitor specialising in disability discrimination law, tenancy law and social security law. Helen has experience working in front line legal service provision, law reform and policy advocacy in Australia and internationally, including in negotiations on the drafting of the Disability Rights Convention at the United Nations in Bangkok and New York in 2003, coordinating or contributing to CEDAW and other shadow reports and more than a decade of advocacy at the UN Commission on the Status of Women.

photo of Madeleine Clark

Madeleine Clark

ERA Policy Officer

Madeleine is the Policy Officer at ERA. She has previously worked at the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and the Australian National University. Madeleine has a Masters degree in Political Science and additional qualifications in International Relations and Philosophy. She is passionate about human rights, policy advocacy, and gender equality.

Our Steering Group

Our Steering Group is elected annually from the ERA membership. It oversees the work of the secretariat and helps to develop our strategic direction.